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June 16–17 2020: BSR Electric Final Conference

16 June, 2020 - 00:00 to 17 June, 2020 - 00:00

cities.multimodal's sister project, BSR Electric is organising a virtual Final Conference 16-17 of June. The focus of the Final Conference will be on electric mobility and on electrification of commercial vehicles.

"BSR Electric is an EU project aimed to promote the usage of e-solutions in the transport systems of cities around the Baltic Sea. In the project, different types of urban e-mobility solutions have been tested and demonstrated. The thematic areas which the project focuses on are far more than E-buses but also include E-bikes within city logistics, E-scooters, electric trucks, and electric ferries. The project is coordinated by HAW Hamburg and receives funding from the Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

The results of the BSR electric project will be presented and can be interactively discussed within the online community throughout the virtual conference on 16–17 June 2020. Attendees of the online conference will get access to visual material showcasing exciting solutions of electrified commercial vehicles in the Gothenburg region. Additionally, international key speakers active within the field of electromobility will give insightful presentations and there will be opportunities to participate in discussions and Q&A-sessions."

Link to the registration

Visit BSR Electric's website for more information about the project!